Your Union

HACSU is here to serve you.

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Who We Are
Get To Know HACSU
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Who We Are

HACSU is one of Tasmania's largest and oldest unions, established in 1911, representing more than 9000 members employed across the health and community services industries.

Our members are employed at more than 500 worksites across the state.

HACSU's main aim is to improve the working lives of members by negotiating improvements in wages and conditions and protecting workers' rights.

We encourage members to have a genuine voice in their workplace and exercise real control of issues that affect their working lives.

Members' experience shows that many issues can only be satisfactorily resolved when members themselves come together as a group to support each other. This involvement of members working together is helped through the election of worksite representatives, such as delegates, committees and Sub-Branch executives.

Get To Know HACSU


HACSU Tasmania has more than 100 years of history representing members' interests.

The union we now know as HACSU was first registered nationally on 12 April 1911 (federation of the nation had occurred in 1901).

The Conciliation and Arbitration Act of 1904 arose out of a desire to bring federal control over industrial disputes that occurred across state boundaries. The desire stemmed from the shearers' & seamen's strike prior to 1900, a key factor itself in bringing about Federation.

The first nationally registered name of the union was The Hospital and Asylum Attendants Employees Union of Australia.

Vision & Values

We campaign to ensure our members are accorded dignity, respect and fairness in all walks of life.

We organise to achieve fairer, safer, more democratic workplaces.

We build our strength by investing in our members' full and active participation.

We equip our members with skills and experience so they may better contribute to the pursuit of a more just society.

We strive to advance the health and well being of our community.


HACSU is governed by a set of national rules that are registered with Fair Work Commission and can only be changed by the National Council of the HSU.

HACSU is governed by a set of national rules for the Health Services Union. These rules apply to all branches of the union in Australia. The rules are registered with Fair Work Commission and can only be changed by the National Council of the union. The rules cover matters such as defining areas of membership coverage, responsibilities of office bearers, and the objectives of the union. The role and function of various union bodies such as National Council, National Executive and Branch Committee of Management are also spelled out in the rules. The rules also determine how and when elections are held for all the officers and officials of the union. 

You can read our rules on the Fair Work Commission website.

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Maecenas elementum fermentum finibus. Vivamus auctor tellus id bibendum laoreet. Nunc vehicula nisi sed eros semper, eu ornare lorem pellentesque. Maecenas sed ipsum ultrices, viverra nunc vitae, faucibus elit. Morbi et lacus sem. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam orci nibh, viverra nec lacinia nec, facilisis suscipit nisl. Morbi nec placerat est, ut pharetra turpis. Cras tristique dui arcu, at porta odio ultricies ac. Quisque ut blandit nulla. Mauris velit leo, commodo id enim eu, imperdiet elementum lorem. Aliquam aliquam lacinia lorem, id scelerisque nibh accumsan ac. Aenean quis blandit purus, at pharetra quam. Etiam ullamcorper sed est sit amet tempor. Quisque pharetra id libero vitae sodales.

Call to Action

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"I never thought having a membership would actually SAVE me money..."

Bob talk to us about how much money he saves just by having a membership.
's story

Nullam eu elementum arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Etiam tempus est eget feugiat euismod. In tempor ante eu condimentum pharetra. Nunc vitae dignissim risus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi et tempor ex. Ut eu turpis et diam laoreet ornare et non massa.

Nullam lacus enim, mollis at urna et, rutrum aliquet lorem. Mauris pellentesque fermentum mi, vitae lobortis nisl imperdiet ac. In metus neque, ultrices convallis viverra quis, lobortis nec felis. Morbi velit enim, sollicitudin eleifend sodales nec, cursus ac velit. Sed et nisl sit amet ex tempus euismod. Curabitur vulputate neque ut ligula posuere mattis. Sed ac ante ac lacus laoreet egestas. Sed eget arcu a enim mollis molestie non vitae nibh. Curabitur lacinia lobortis sodales. In dictum, tellus facilisis vestibulum tincidunt, quam dolor efficitur ligula, mattis porttitor odio leo sed augue. Vivamus ornare volutpat lacus, et pretium augue suscipit ut. Nullam porttitor auctor auctor. Praesent malesuada massa aliquet velit lacinia, ac rhoncus sem posuere. Sed fringilla tempor lectus, sit amet placerat ex convallis et.

Quisque cursus velit in orci imperdiet luctus. Integer facilisis, tortor quis convallis hendrerit, eros nibh dictum nibh, ut pulvinar urna lectus non mauris. Donec consequat ipsum sed velit dictum, ac semper nibh elementum. Etiam arcu diam, porta vitae neque et, sollicitudin ullamcorper mi. Nulla id nunc orci. Praesent at sodales nisl, ac dictum nisi. Pellentesque tristique tortor nisl, ut tristique nisl lacinia quis. Fusce ac augue eu erat eleifend tristique eget eu orci. Aenean in orci laoreet, mattis leo ut, vestibulum est. Donec eu eros at tortor vulputate malesuada. Aenean sapien lacus, laoreet vitae augue sit amet, eleifend fringilla sapien. Praesent sit amet nisl eget nunc efficitur congue in at ipsum. Nunc rutrum rhoncus lectus ac dictum. Nullam sit amet nunc risus.