Awesome opportunity for union women

Posted on
June 15, 2018
Union Movement

Meet other union women, learn heaps about unions, politics and campaigning - be part of the annual Anna Stewart Project in 2018.

Anna Stewart, long-time campaigner for women’s rights and prominent union official, died in April 1983 and the Anna Stewart Memorial Project was established as an annual work experience program aimed at increasing women’s active union involvement.

You'll learn about how unions work and get training in a supportive environment on key aspects of union organising and growth with a focus on women’s involvement and why unions are so critical for women.

Anna Stewart runs for five days, from 3-7 September 2018 and includes free entry to the Unions Tasmania Women's Conference on the Friday.

Should you apply?

If you’re a union member and want to develop your skills and knowledge, make an important contribution to the development and growth of your union and have more involvement in the union movement more broadly then the answer is YES!

How to apply

  1. Contact us and let us know you're interested! We can help you arrange leave from work
  2. Download the application form
  3. Fill it in and submit
  4. Let us know you've applied so we can hook you up with other HACSU women going
For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email or complete our online contact form