Ambulance news

Posted on
February 25, 2021

COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

Members have asked us about the vaccine rollout across the ambulance workforce, and what we know is the federal government and state government vaccine programs operate independently, with ambulance workers falling under the state program.

The Department of Health received a tray of Pfizer vaccines this week and are commencing vaccinations from a ‘priority list’ but with randomised selection.

The first 3 vaccine trays will arrive in Hobart so will be distributed there first and in the next few weeks trays will be delivered to Launceston and Burnie, with each tray holding about 1000 doses.

Supplies will increase by mid-March and everyone in group 1a will receive at least one dose by mid-April with the second and final dose due 3 weeks after the first, scheduled at appropriate intervals, so everyone in group 1a should be fully vaccinated by the end of May*.

We understand all group 1a people, including all ambulance NEPTS, volunteers and paramedics, will get the Pfizer vaccine but this group doesn’t include non-patient contact roles like admin and SOC staff so we’re waiting for more information about that.

Public health recommends everyone be vaccinated if able, but it isn’t mandatory as some can’t have the vaccine for medical reasons.

*Advice subject to variation

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email or complete our online contact form
