AT Health & Safety Reps

Posted on
October 5, 2020

Nominations have been received for the Divisions.

The following nominees are declared elected - thank you and congratulations!

Southern Region: HSRs - Phillip Krushka, Vincent Gregory, Matthew Fishwick. Deputy HSR - Cameron Johnson

SOC: HSRs - Simon Harmsen, Leith McHarry

Aeromed Fixed Wing:

Aeromed Rotary Wing: HSR - Richard Bugg

SSO Wilderness: HSR - Hamish Wallace


Sth BSO: HSR - Dean Gamblin. Deputy HSR - Matthew Probin

Nth BSO:

NW BSO: HSR - Alison Spicer

Elections Required:

Northern Region nominees: Julie Ransome, Monique Barnett, Michael Crocket, Glenn Aslin, Corey Armstrong

NW Region nominees: Jamie Gray, Simone Haigh, Monus Shaikh, David Fahey, Kathryn Cerchez

A Survey Monkey will be conducted to select the above HSR positions, and these will be distributed to those staff members eligible to vote (3 highest votes will receive HSR positions and 4th Place elected as the deputy HSR).(First past the post single vote without preferences).

Vacant positions (AMR Fixed Wing, Corporate/EPD, Nth BSO and various deputy positions), will remain eligible for nominees until Friday 9 October, and will be elected on a first received basis.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email or complete our online contact form
