New Southern CERT role withdrawn

Posted on
November 16, 2022

AT withdrew their proposed new CERT decision

Ambulance Tasmania told us yesterday that they have withdrawn their decision to commence the CERT role at Sorell and Huonville next week, as such we have removed our formal dispute about this matter.

Consultation will now occur about finding a location for volunteers to provide a CERT role (or another role) in the future. This consultation period will also include analysing more ORH data which should be available early next month.

The ORH data is a simulation and analysis of jobs and locations which makes recommendations about service levels required now, then forecasts resources required later.

This is an important win. The current resourcing model only allows volunteers to work directly with BSOs, to be trained by BSOs (or specialist trainers) and work independently (at vollie level) or under BSO supervision.

The proposed CERT change to expand volunteer roles where they are very likely to work with career paramedics in the urban environment would’ve likely led to various complexities about the above. HACSU will resist this change now and in the future.

We welcome feedback from members about this or any other issue – you can email us at or call on 1300 880 032.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email or complete our online contact form
