COVID payments - keep the money!

Posted on
November 8, 2022
Health Professionals

COVID payment overpayment: do not pay the money back

We have been advised that some of our members have received the COVID payment in error. We can’t understand how this is even possible.

HACSU did not agree to be a party to the agreement on the basis that the government wouldn’t clearly identify who would or wouldn’t get these payments. We wanted all our members at Ambulance Tasmania to get the payment, as you've all had to deal with the crisis that COVID-19 has caused.

Regarding the “overpayments”, your salary cannot be reduced, or deductions taken, without your expressed permission (unless a court order is made).Therefore, our advice to you is: do not give them permission to recover the money.

Please refer all correspondence to us about any overpayment as we note that the IR Act s.51 says that it is an offence to deduct money without your consent.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email or complete our online contact form