Ambulance Tasmania north west CRU vacancies

Posted on
September 23, 2020

Lateral Transfers are OK.

Members may know there's been a change proposal for the introduction of the CRU position (single response vehicle) on the north west coast, and we're told it's intended that this will be two rosters of 6 people each located in the Devonport area and the Burnie area.

We consulted with delegates to form a response, which AT has largely dismissed and it appears the service is, predictably, continuing without changing course.

Our feedback about roster design explained that the majority view is that the traditional and normally worked 10/14 roster is preferred, but AT hasn't accepted this view and has specifically stated the 12/12 roster will be attached to this role - the implication being that if you apply you will agree to the terms.

AT has confirmed these positions are simply ICP positions, and existing ICPs can request a lateral transfer into a vacancy though if you're substantively at a different classification, such as CSO or BSO-ICP, you don't technically have lateral transfer rights.

If you want to exercise your right to apply for the CRU role, we encourage you to do so.

If you are substantively an ICP you can apply simply by emailing the NW RM, and Cc your existing RM if in a different region:

“I wish to laterally transfer into the recently advertised ICP position (CRU) vacancy 525079 closing4/10/2020, and my preference is to work the (10/14 or 12/12 – as applicable) roster.”

Also Cc in the email to ensure we can fight for your roster preference in the future, given this issue may escalate to a dispute due to inadequate consultation.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email or complete our online contact form
