Calvary general staff EBA update

Posted on
March 7, 2023
Health Services Industry

They can't keep dragging things on

Just a quick update to let you know what’s going on with your agreement. Today we wrote to the Calvary bargaining representative to ask what on earth is happening with your general staff wages offer. Calvary have dragged this process on for far too long and you have the right to question them about if they’re bargaining in good faith.

We know that as each month passes the situation worsens.

Latest figures show that inflation is badly outpacing wage growth, with inflation indexed at 7.8% while wages “growth” sits at a meagre 3.3% – Calvary know this yet they’re ignoring workers and leaving you with no real answers.

During our last conversation with Calvary, they told us they were crunching some numbers and coming back with an offer. However, this bargaining seems to be dragging on and on and they still refuse to get back to us in a timely matter. It’s not good enough – we know people are under financial pressure with mortgages and the cost-of-living sky rocketing. A wage increase would make an immediate difference to your lives and yet we are receiving zero information from your employer.

HACSU members have lost their patience with Calvary and therefore we’ve requested a response to the pay offer by the end of February. If they keep up their stalling tactics, then we’ll have no choice but to look at other options.

We will keep you updated and let you know what the offer is as soon as we receive it. If you have any questions or need more information, make sure you get in touch with us via HACSUassist.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email or complete our online contact form

Health Services Industry