TasIVF news

Posted on
February 18, 2021
Health Services Industry

Your ballot opens today.

The Australian Electoral Commission asked TasIVF to give you details of the upcoming protected action ballot so by now you should’ve received an email about that.

When your ballot arrives in the post at home you need to vote and return it fast as the ballot closes on 8 March and you must have it in the mail by 1 March so the AEC can process it in time.

It’s really important you vote to ensure we can fight for an improved deal, and we ask that you vote YES to each question.

TasIVF sent out a new offer yesterday for you to look at, and it appears they must make further improvements before we meet again on Monday 22 February.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email assist@hacsu.org.au or complete our online contact form

Health Services Industry