AHP stop work update

Posted on
February 22, 2023
Public Sector

The government have made an eleventh hour offer

On Monday evening, we received some details from the government about improvements to the agreement offer that the government are intending to make.

We have urgently requested more detail, but the improvements include more money for structural adjustments at most levels, a preceptor allowance for AHPs and a commitment to deal with the Christmas shutdown days.

We’ll get the full details as soon as we can.

It’s your action that has made the government get serious about AHPs. You’ve forced them to come to the table by being courageous enough to say no to an inferior offer last December and being willing to step it up and take action this year. You have made it clear that AHPs are invaluable and that a short-change offer was unacceptable.

We’ll still need to meet tomorrow to discuss and we’ll have more details for you by then.

Instead of meeting outside the RHH, please come to the big staff room in K Block at 1pm tomorrow (Thursday 23 February) to hear about the offer and where to from here.

You can still stop work between 12.15pm and 2.30pm to travel to and from the meeting.

If you need more information in the meantime, please contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or assist@hacsu.org.au

See you tomorrow.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email assist@hacsu.org.au or complete our online contact form

Public Sector