Answers to questions about payslips, personal leave and heat pumps

Posted on
April 12, 2023
Aged Care Sector

Here's what they said

Back in February, we wrote to Belinda about some issues that workers had raised with HACSU at the time. Here are the issues and Belinda’s responses to them:

1. Due to a technical issue, payslips were placed into workers’ pigeonholes in the staff room. As these payslips were not put into envelopes, workers were concerned there was a possible breach in confidentiality.


“This was an issue with payslips not being able to be sent through the normal channels therefore these were sent to facilities and distributed to staff. We regret the occurrence of this incident and hope that our staff have not suffered any repercussions of this system failure. The situation with payslips was rectified quickly, should this occur again care will be taken to distribute these documents in a safer way.”

2. Personal leave/sick leave does not appear on payslips, which in itself is not breaching any agreements, but workers are most certainly allowed to enquire how many hours they have and should get a response to that question in a timely manner.


“For a long time now, sick leave is something that has been on payslips and is not a requirement for the organisation to present this information on payslips. At this present time, we no longer have a roster clerk and are recruiting for this position. This should be asked of payroll as this is to do with accumulation of hours. This is not something that our roster clerks have access to. This is why we redirect any queries around this to pay roll. I will make enquiries into the availability of this information and will be happy to assist staff members with this.”

3. There are no air conditioners or heat pumps in B, C, D, F and G wings, which means residents need to leave external doors open overnight to cool down. Workers are concerned that leaving doors open all night may pose a risk to residents’ wellbeing.


“Investigation into heat pumps will take place and I will investigate what our options are in relation to this.”

We hope management solve the issues as soon as possible. If you have more workplace questions that you feel are not being answered by management after contacting them, give HACSUassist a call on 1300 880 032, and we can chat about how best to raise the matter further.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email or complete our online contact form

Aged Care Sector