Personal leave: What's your entitlement?

Posted on
February 17, 2023
Aged Care Sector

If you're not sure, get in touch

If you work for May Shaw Aminya as a permanent employee, you’re entitled to 20 days of personal/carer’s leave for each year of service. Here’s what you need to know about your entitlement so you won’t be short-changed by your employer:

• You can take 10 single days off without providing a certificate, and that can include 5 episodes of 2 days.

• You cannot take days off on either side of a rostered day off, or either side of a weekend that has not been worked unless you provide a doctor’s certificate.

• Once you have taken 10 single days or 5 lots of 2 days without a certificate, you need to provide a doctor’s certificate for the remaining 10 days available to you.

• Under the circumstances that you’re unable to provide a certificate, you can provide a Statutory Declaration stating the steps you’ve taken to obtain the evidence and why your circumstances are exceptional. This Statutory Declaration must be witnessed by an authorised person under the relevant legislation and also by someone not employed by your work.

• Let your employer know the expected period you’ll be absent as soon as reasonably practicable.

If you have any questions about your personal leave entitlement, or you don’t think your employer have followed the agreement in terms of processing your leave, please contact us via HACSUassist and have a chat about it.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email or complete our online contact form

Aged Care Sector