Ease off on the texts!

Posted on
April 26, 2023
Aged Care Sector

We've told them about your frustrations

Over the last month or so the number of texts that management have been sending workers has gotten out of hand, and it’s almost bordering on harassment.

We recently told Respect’s People and Culture partner, Rachel about workers’ frustration with receiving multiple texts a day (in some cases up to 14 separate messages) about short staffing and shifts needing to be filled.

We told Rachel that the constant texts, whether at work, on days off or even in some instances when on leave was beginning to take its toll. Workers have told us that they’re stressed and feel that there’s no escape from the regular “ping” on their phones.

Rachel said that she understood the frustration and admitted that recently with Respect migrating to a new Microsoft system there were way more texts going out than usual. She said that because you were unable to access your work emails while they were moving over to the new system, notifications about shifts were being sent as texts instead.

Rachel acknowledged that the transition to the new system had come with its share of complications, but she said she is hoping that once it is up and running properly the problem of too many texts will be resolved.

Rachel also stated that the new Human Force app will enable you to have less messaging about vacant shifts because you’ll be able to turn off notifications when on leave or not working through the settings.  

She suggested that when you’re using the app you should also be able to advise admin when taking leave, and they should then be able to remove you from the app during the leave period so there won’t be notifications.

If you keep having issues with getting too many texts or with the new app itself, please let management know in the first instance. If you’re still having trouble, please make sure you give HACSUassist a call so we can speak to management about it again on your behalf.

For more information about this or any other industrial matter, members should contact HACSUassist on 1300 880 032 or email assist@hacsu.org.au or complete our online contact form

Aged Care Sector